Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My Father does a mission trip every year to Guatemala to help provide clean drinking water to communities in need. He works with a group called Water for Life International. The organization has been drilling wells since 2005.

Each year my Father (Papa) packs suitcases of quilts for the families of Guatemala that my mother and grandmother have made throughout the year. As a beader, I decided this year, on the day that my father left the states to head to Guatemala, that I would make a bracelet everyday to be given to a woman or child in Guatemala as a gift from me! I called Papa to tell him but soon found myself talking about how great it would be for me to go, to be able to hand the bracelets myself to the people of Guatemala and to be able to lend a helping hand, wherever they need me!

In an effort to help raise funds for my husband and I to spend one week in Guatemala, I am asking for donations by buying a bracelet from me. Each bracelet that is sold for funding of my Guatemala trip is going to have a matching bracelet that will be taken to Guatemala. So, each time you wear your bracelet, you will be reminded that someone in Guatemala is wearing one just like it and you were able to help me support the need for the communities there to have clean water!

A few other things we may be doing while there other than drilling clean water wells include painting, reading to children, helping medical facilities, small construction projects and helping with church worship services!

Please visit my Etsy store to purchase a bracelet. ( http://www.etsy.com/shop/momoscreations )
If you would prefer for your bracelet to also be sent to Guatemala, please leave me a comment upon checkout. Feel free to also email me if you are interested in donating beads you have lying around at home or if you are interested in a monetary donation with no bracelet (in which case I will choose a bracelet to go for you!)

If you are interested in more information, please check out the Water for Life website and read some of the stories and reports that have been posted. Also don’t forget to check out the photos as well. Some of the pictures and stories bring tears to my eyes…even the ones I’ve heard from my Papa a couple of times!

Thank You So Much in advance for supporting us! We are hoping to raise $2500 and I am hoping to make over 400 bracelets by November 2010! We will be going to Guatemala in January 2011.

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